Tuesday, 17 March 2009


I want to express our thanks to Moraene R., who sent us a contribution for the sponsoring fund from the UK. Moraene had friends over for coffee and cake and her friends made a donation for the school. At Christmas, she made sweets and sold them to a few friends in order to raise a little more money. Moraene, I know you are not wealthy and your efforts are very much appreciated. Thank you!

It has been over a year now that I started the sponsoring fund. The first sums I received, I divided in 12 and handed them over to the school over the 12 months of 2008. That money is now gone. We have had other contributions, and some regular donors who send money each month, but our goal of having 2/3 of the tuition fees paid for the 24 poorest children of the school is not reached yet...
Oh, how I hate this asking for money! But maybe you could smoke one pack of cigarettes less, or take out a book from the library instead of buying it, or skip dessert once at your favourite restaurant... and send us that money instead? 
If you have a Paypal account, you can click on the button to the left of the main page of this blog. If you don't have a Paypal account, please contact me and we'll find a way.

The kids and their parents are grateful...

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